Pupil and Recovery Premium
Our Approach to Meeting the Needs of Disadvantaged Children at Holywell
Quality whole class teaching with appropriate support and challenge.
Identifying the barriers to learning and doing all we reasonably can to reduce these barriers through the curriculum, targeted interventions, pastoral care and enrichment opportunities.
Weaving together the needs of the school as a whole and the needs of the disadvantaged to create the School Development Plan.
Devising and delivering a curriculum beyond the core subjects which is knowledge-rich and focuses on long-term retention, weaving through opportunities to address reading, oracy, cultural capital, the creative arts, safeguarding, raising aspirations and enrichment.
Devising and delivering a curriculum beyond the core subjects which is knowledge-rich and focuses on long-term retention, weaving through opportunities to address reading, oracy, cultural capital, the creative arts, safeguarding, raising aspirations and enrichment.
Creating a Positive Behaviour policy which sets expectations for all but takes into consideration the needs, difficulties and barriers of individuals.
Regularly reviewing and monitoring the spending of the Pupil Premium Grant through a process of evidence gathering and evaluation of impact and cost.
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium Funding is additional funding used for those children who are considered to be at a disadvantage. These children are pupils who either claim or have claimed free school meals at any point in the last six years (referred to as Ever 6 children) and pupils in care (referred to as LAC – Looked After Children) or who left care through adoption or another formal route. National figures show that these groups of children do not achieve as well as their peers academically and the Pupil Premium Funding enables schools to put additional support in place in order to remove any inequalities.
All schools are tasked to diminish the difference between disadvantaged children and others in terms of attainment. We are required to publish Pupil Premium spending on our website. All strategies are rooted in previous successful practice, the work of the Education Endowment Fund and other research which explores how self-esteem and high aspirations can impact favourably upon attainment and progress.
- Ensure that our Pupil Premium Children lists are up to date.
- Identify socio-economic and academic barriers to learning
- Put support and interventions in place, as appropriate, in order to aim to reduce barriers to learning
- Carry out regular pupil progress reviews for disadvantaged children to monitor progress and achievement
- Monitor books, data and in-class learning behaviours
- Carefully consider the needs of the children as a group and as individuals in order to ensure funding is allocated appropriately
- Regularly review spending, provision and outcomes
- Ensure all teachers and Learning Support Assistants understand the potential vulnerability of disadvantaged children and take steps to prioritise such groups at all times
- Regularly monitor the attendance of disadvantaged children and refer cases to the Family Liaison Worker and, where necessary, the education Investigation team.
- Ensure that disadvantaged groups are represented in terms of pupil voice through School Council
- Provide enrichment opportunities for disadvantaged children, where appropriate
- Subsidise school uniform, educational and residential visits, where required.