Hearing Impairment
We have some children in school who have hearing loss and wear hearing aids, we also have some children who suffer with reduced hearing due to some short term conditions such as glue ear.
If you are concerned about your child’s hearing please speak to your class teacher and then share all concerns with your GP. Children usually have an audiology appointment when they are in Reception, parents will be contacted about this.
If we know that your child has difficulties with hearing we will ensure that we do our best to ensure they can hear us, for example
* reduce background noise
* always be on the same level as the child
* ensure we are always facing your child when we speak to them
* ensure that when speaking we are facing the light, rather than standing in front of it.
* sit children at the front
* use of visual clues to help children understand eg. gestures, facial expressions
* repeat questions and instructions as necessary
Worcestershire have a Hearing Impairment Team who provide advice and support regarding educational needs of hearing impaired children. This support is offered from the point of diagnosis throughout primary school and beyond. The service is commissioned by the Local Authority, and enables the Hearing Impairment Team to provide assessment, monitoring and reviewing of children based on eligibility criteria.