Who's Who
Leadership Team
Headteacher: Mr C Hamilton
Deputy Headteacher: Miss A Jones
Assistant Headteacher and LKS2 Lead: Miss V Tuck
Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENDCo): Miss R Evans
Early Years Lead: Mrs N Watkins
KS1 Lead: Miss H Roberts
Upper KS2 Lead: Mr J Evans
Administration Team
Business Manager: Mrs A Barratt
Administrator: Mrs M Eastwood
Secretary: Miss L Chadwick
Attendance Officer: Vacancy
Teaching and Learning Team
Teachers: Mrs C O'Connor and Mrs K Barnard
Learning Support: Mrs W Williamson, Mrs S Spears and Mrs J Hellingsworth
Year R
Teachers: Mrs N Watkins, Miss R Evans and Mrs A Wootton
Learning Support: Mrs J Hale, Mrs J Sadler, Miss B Hawcock and Mrs K Lloyd
Year 1
Teachers: Miss R Gwilliam, Mrs J McLeod and Mrs J Ayers
Learning Support: Mrs D Lacy, Mrs E Forth, Miss K Kerry and Mrs K Wareham
Year 2
Teachers: Miss S Turbill, Mrs L Whitehead and Miss H Roberts
Learning Support: Mrs Tranter and Miss D Webb
Year 3
Teachers: Miss P Sibbald and Mrs C Swalwell
Learning Support: Mrs S Goddard and Mrs J Harper
Year 4
Teachers: Mrs S Boswell, Mrs Thompson and Miss McAllister
Learning Support: Mrs J Lynch, Mrs L Crawford, Miss S Plimmer and Mrs T Toogood
Year 5
Teachers: Mr J Evans and Mrs J Watt
Learning Support: Mrs R Jackson and Miss E Graham
Year 6
Teachers: Mrs E Boswell and Mrs D Savage
Learning Support: Mrs L Williams
Thrive Practitioner: Mrs E Linton
Languages Teacher: Mrs J Jacques
PE Provider: Fit4Schools
Site Team
Site Manager: Mr N Evans
Lead Cleaner: Mrs L Crawford
Cleaners: Mrs L Williams, Mrs K Lloyd, Mrs L Nickless and Mrs S Powell
Lunchtime Team
Lead Lunchtime Supervisor: Mrs L Bowcott
Lunchtime Supervisors: Miss J Harper, Miss B Hawcock, Mrs L Evans, Mrs L Drew, Miss J Davies, Mrs L Nickless, Mrs K Lloyd, Mrs S McGarry, Miss L Teckoe, Mrs T Toogood and Miss E Graham