Contact Details
Please pop to Reception where Miss L Chadwick or Mrs M Eastwood will be able to help you with any enquires.
Our address: Holywell Primary and Nursery School, School Road, Rubery, Birmingham, B45 9EY
Postcode for directions: B45 9EL
Our telephone number: 0121 453 7829
Our office email:
If your email is for a specific person within school, please ensure that you put 'FAO and the person's name' on the subject line.
To speak to our safeguarding leads, please contact the office using the details above, asking for the person you require:
Mr C Hamilton (Headteacher): Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss A Jones (Deputy Headteacher): Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss R Evans (SENDCo): Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs N Watkins (Early Years Lead): Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
For all enquires related to special educational needs and disabilities, please contact Miss R Evans on the phone number above or via email on
To report a child's absence, please telephone the school office on 0121 453 7829 to either speak with Mrs M Eastwood or leave a message on the answer phone.
Requests for paper copies
Please contact the school office if you request any information provided on this website in paper format.