Ethos and Values
School Aim
Holywell's aim is ' Every Child Flourishing'. We seek to provide an environment where every child is supported and encouraged to thrive and grow to meet their potential academically and develop as well-rounded children - in short we seek to nurture the whole child.
Our curriculum is designed with two goals in mind:
First, to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners with high aspirations for both their future both as individuals and members of wider society.
Second, to provide a coherent and structured curriculum that enables all learners to enjoy their education and achieve their potential, whether this be through appropriate challenge and tasks to encourage greater depth for those who are capable, or targeted support to embed skills or develop at a pace that best suits individual need.
School Values
Holywell has three over-arching values that guide our work and provide a framework for our strategic direction.
Knowing and remembering more
The pursuit of knowledge is at the heart of what we do through the implementation of a rich and meaningful curriculum, high expectations, support and challenge at all levels and with a persistent focus on removing barriers to underachievement.
Doing what we know is right
We seek to empower children to make the right choices when faced with decisions, however hard or difficult, through a clear behaviour code and clear school values. Nurturing and supportive, children who struggle and families in need are recognised with school acting as a first line of support, guidance and advice.
Leadership and working together
The value of leadership and working together enables everyone to work effectively as a team towards common goals, maintaining a supportive learning community and developing future leaders. Effective leaders seek to nurture, include and serve others, as well as managing resources efficiently.
Curriculum Pillars
These curriculum pillars help to shape our curriculum, enable the aims and values of our school, and respond to the particular needs of the school community. The overall aim is for our curriculum to enable long-term learning to ensure that our children leave Holywell with the key knowledge and skills required for their next stage of education. Our four pillars are reading, oracy, aspiration and citizenship.
To find out more about our aims, values and curriculum pillars, please read our statement of intent below: