Welcome to our school page on Special Educational Needs. Here you will find lots of information about supporting children with Special Educational Needs.
We are an Inclusive School which focuses on the well-being and progress of all children. We actively seek to remove barriers to learning which may hinder or exclude the progress of individuals or groups of children.
We try to support children and families within the areas of
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Looked After Children (LAC)
Post Looked After Children
Social Emotional Mental Health Needs (SEMH)
Medical Needs
Attendance/ Punctuality Needs
Accessibility Requirements
Safeguarding / Child Welfare
We offer support through a variety of channels
Open and honest information sharing
Meetings with teaching staff
Referral and contact from our THRIVE practitioners
Referral to Lin Ward, Attendance Officer
Early Help Intervention
Signposting to external agencies
Referrals to relevant agencies as required
Attending appointments with parents/carers
Supporting parents/carers to liaise with external agencies as required.
At Holywell Primary School, we are all here to help! We operate an open-door policy and you are welcome to come into school anytime, to discuss any concerns or questions you might have about your child.
Miss Evans is the school SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator). She works with children, teachers, parents/ carers and outside agencies to ensure that our pupil’s needs are met. If you would like to contact Miss Evans, you can arrange a meeting through the school office or email her on
Please click on the link below for details about the SEN Code of Practise and a web link to access it.
Holywell Primary and Nursery School is a Worcestershire school, however it is very close to the Birmingham border, therefore our catchment is made up of Worcestershire and Birmingham children. Support that is provided in school comes from Worcestershire, but any referrals for health services are sent to your ‘home’ authority. Miss Evans is able to complete referrals for both Worcestershire and Birmingham services. Links to the Local Offers from both authorities are below.
Please click on the link below to see our SEND Information Report.
We work very closely with a range of other professionals in order to help meet the needs of your child. Please click on the appropriate links below to find out more.
For any concerns about your child you should always contact your child’s class teacher first. We believe that the closer we work together the more successful any help will be. Many problems can be sorted out easily by matching the level of help to the needs of the child, with specific support. Sometimes it is felt that a child needs a particular kind of help, in which case the help of specialists from outside school may be valuable.
Should you remain concerned that you can contact our SENDCO, Miss Beckie Evans via the school office or emailing