Sports Premium
At Holywell Primary and Nursery School we consider PE of utmost importance. In recent years, we have seen the benefits gained from participation in high quality sport. We are constantly raising standards and pushing children to achieve their best. We believe that PE contributes significantly to academic and social performance. Through the subject, children learn to co-operate, accept advice, consider others and persevere. During this, they learn to listen and process instructions whilst taking ownership of their learning. We teach them to take risks in working through challenges where they can discover a favoured outcome. All of this is relevant and supports the delivery of our curriculum across the school.
For our sports funding allocation, we have outlined:
- how much funding we received
- a full breakdown of how we have spent the funding or will spend the funding
- the effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
- how we will make sure these improvements are sustainable
- how many pupils within our year 6 cohort can do each of the following:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Please click below to see the Sports Premium Review for 2023-2023:
The 2022-2023 funding has been spent in the following ways:
* A continued focus on our play times. The aim is that with more purposeful play equipment and additional lunchtime supervisor and play leader training, we will continue to see a variety of sports being played at lunch times and morning break.
* A continued focus on the least fit children, giving them free, fun, non competitive activities to take part in at lunch times.
* Maintenance and repair of sports equipment.
* Subsidised after school and morning clubs.
*High quality equipment for use in all year groups.
* Provision and support of Pupil Premium and children with low self esteem.
* Continued membership of the ‘All Active Academy’. The All Active Academy consists of a community of schools in the Bromsgrove area. Subscription to this scheme entitles us to many things such as:
– Entry into local tournaments and competitions.
– Support with inclusion sports for children with special educational needs.
– Equipment hire for specialist sports such as archery.
– Specialist support and coaching for Holywell staff from sports coaches and experts.